When was the last time ??


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When was the last time you laughed like a kid as the wind played with your hair ?
When was the last time you ended up laughing till you fell on the floor at some episode which never gets old ?
When was the last time you held onto someone so tight that that they meant the world to you and nothing else mattered ?
When was the last time you listened to your favorite music on loop as the rain wet your car windows ?
When was the last time you sat in silence and smiled at the moment because it is in that particular one , you realized how lucky you were ?
When was the last time you found your cheeks wet after reading an ages old letter from your best friend ,who just by the cards of destiny is still yours ?
When was the last time you ate your favorite double cheese burger with Nutella shake ignoring all the stares and the pounds you are going to gain ?
When was the last time you read a book and got soaked in its pages ?
When was the last time you didn’t punish yourself for feeling emotions the way they are to be felt ?
When was the last time you let the doors of your soul open to let happiness gush in ?
When was the last time you let yourself be happy with JUST YOURSELF ?
– Aprajita